Corporate Information

The main activity of the Company is the establishment and management of Venture Capital Investment Funds within the framework of the provisions of the Capital Markets Board and the relevant legislation.

Shareholder Name - Surname / Title Paid-in Capital (TL) Participation Rate (%) Number of Shares
Forka Ventures Teknoloji Yatırım A.Ş. 21.805.406 TL %54,51 21.805.406
Kamil Kılıç 9.924.324 TL %24,81 9.924.324
Altogo Gıda Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. 4.400.000 TL %11 4.400.000
Adabella Gıda Tarım Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. 3.870.270 TL %9,68 3.870.270
TOPLAM : 40.000.000 TL %100 40.000.000
Name Surname Title
Mustafa DUMAN Chairman of the Board of Directors
Kamil KILIÇ Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Hakan EK Board Member
Alptekin Murat TANIR Board Member
Didem Eryar ÜNLÜ Board Member

Ümraniye Vergi Dairesi – 6081143502

İTO Sicil No: 193905-5
Mersis No: 0608114350200001