The fund's title is formed from the initials of the words "Profitable Renewable Energy Opportunities." The fund aims to invest in investments related to the production of electricity, mechanical, hydraulic, and thermal energies from renewable energy sources, wind turbine technologies, solar energy devices, biogas devices, design and production investments in geothermal energy devices, energy storage systems, power plant investments, technologies based on renewable energy, all kinds of vehicle technologies powered by renewable energy, electromobility and renewable energy technologies, and energy efficiency, data storage and analysis technologies solutions in green and digital technologies. However, in the event of suitable investment opportunities, the fund may also invest in sectors outside of these.
Fund Total Value
407.044.725,19 TL *Fund Unit Share Value
3,704680PREO Fund Portfolio
While enhancing Turkey s domestic production potential, ACTIO plans to become a strong player in global mobility markets. Targeting an influential position in Turkey and global markets by 2030, the company s Chairman, Kutsal Anıl, announced that ACTIO vehicles will be on the roads in the second half of 2025.
With its innovative vision, ACTIO aims to be a pioneer in the mobility sector.
`, `/assets/actioweb.png`, [])' class="partner-fund-card-container group" >Serving a wide range of customers, from small and medium-sized logistics enterprises to large logistics companies, Lojimod stands out with its integrated systems and user-friendly interfaces that simplify logistics operations. By developing cutting-edge technologies that accelerate digital transformation, Lojimod is steadily advancing towards becoming a leading logistics technology company in Turkey.
`, `/assets/lojimod.png`, [{"title":"Web","icon":{"value":"fa-solid fa-arrow-pointer","label":"Web","key":"fa-solid fa-arrow-pointer"},"url":"https:\/\/","id":"m56wq33q","type":"profile"},{"title":"Linkedin","icon":{"value":"fa-brands fa-linkedin","label":"LinkedIn","key":"fa-brands fa-linkedin"},"url":"https:\/\/\/company\/lojimod","id":"m56wqu7g","type":"profile"},{"title":"X","icon":{"value":"fa-brands fa-square-x-twitter","label":"X - Twitter","key":"fa-brands fa-square-x-twitter"},"url":"https:\/\/\/lojimod","id":"m56wr6yi","type":"profile"}])' class="partner-fund-card-container group" >PREO Girişim Sermayesi Yatırım Fonu (GSYF);
Fon’un unvani “Profitable Reenewable Energy Opportunites” kelimelerinin bas harflerinden olusturulmustur. Fon, Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklarindan elektrik, mekanik, hidrolik, 1s1 enerjileri üretmeye yönelik yatırımlar, rüzgar tribünü teknolojileri, güneş enerji cihazları, biyogaz cihazları, jeotermal enerji cihazları tasarım ve üretim yatırımları, enerji depolama sistemleri, santral yatırımları, yenilenebilir enerjiye dayalı teknolojiler, yenilebilir enerji ile çalışan her türlü araç teknolojileri, elektromobilite ve yenilebilir enerji teknolojileri ve enerji verimliliği, yeşil ve dijital teknolojiler alanında veri depolama ve analiz teknolojileri çözümlerine, uygulamalarına ve girişimlerine yatırım yapmayı hedeflemektedir. Bununla birlikte, uygun yatırım fırsatlarının oluşması durumunda Fon bu sektörlerin dışındaki sektörlere de yatırım yapabilecektir.
Date the Fund Price was Announced | Fund Unit Share Value |