The Fund aims to invest in agriculture, food and related sectors (agricultural biotechnology, farm management, on-farm robotics, mechanization and equipment, bioenergy and biomaterials, supply chain technologies, agribusiness marketplaces, innovative food, in-store retail and restaurant technologies, restaurant marketplaces, e-market, home and cooking technologies, online restaurants and meal kits, financial technologies).

Agriculture Food Technology
* May 27, 2024

Fund Total Value

1.062.367.265,40 TL *

Fund Unit Share Value


TARS Fund Portfolio


To establish an innovative and sustainable agriculture ecosystem by leveraging global partnerships, and to provide knowledge, capital, and labour to potential pioneer companies with a globally competitive edge.

To become a continuous-growth fund that promotes the leadership of the agriculture ecosystem worldwide, and which operates effectively by honouring human values, relying on innovative technologies and conventional wisdom, and developing business models centring on coopetition*.

Coopetitive: The term coopetition , a combination of “cooperation” and “competition”, is the act of cooperation between competing companies. Companies in coopetition organize and work together to form a competition strategy, aiming to increase their market share.


Ag Biotechnology
On-farm inputs for crop & animal ag including genetics, microbiome, breeding, animal health

Farm Management
Software, Sensing & IoT Ag data capturing devices, decision support software, big data analytics

Farm Robotics, Mechanization & Equipment
On-farm machinery, automation, drone manufacturers, grow equipment

Bioenergy & Biomaterials
Non-food extraction & processing, feedstock technology, cannabis pharmaceuticals

Supply Chain Technologies
Food safety & traceability tech, logistics & transport, processing tech

Agribusiness Marketplaces
Commodities trading platforms, online input procurement, equipment leasing

Innovative Food
Cultured meat, novel ingredients, plant-based proteins


In-Store Retail & Restaurant Tech
Shelf-stacking robots, 3D food printers, POSsystems, food waste monitoring IoT

Restaurant Marketplaces
Online tech platforms delivering food from a wide range of vendors

Online stores and marketplaces for sale & delivery of processed & unprocessed ag products to consumer. (farm to consumer egrocery F2C)

Home & Cooking Tech
Smart kitchen appliances, nutrition technologies, food testing devices

Online Restaurants and Meal Kits
Startups offering culinary meals and sending preportioned ingredients to cook at home

Financial Technologies
Payment, financing, revenue assurance, fund transfer ve crowd funding

The philosophy held by TARS is win-win. The aim is to generate mutual value with companies in the food, agriculture, or technology sectors by investing at different stages of development, ranging from the initial idea to early-stage or late-stage finance.

TARS is committed to providing knowledge, experience, and capital to individuals, start-ups, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

One of the main priorities of TARS is the reciprocal support of companies in the investment portfolio. Achieving synergy in the value chain, increasing each investee’s potential to compete in the global arena, and promoting the launch of a global brand from Turkey are critical focal points.

Business initiatives are examined based on a framework of evaluation criteria. The evaluation process is undertaken by professional staff and business partners at TARS. Only those business initiatives that satisfy each of the evaluation criteria are funded in line with the fund investment strategies.

Business Attractiveness
Commercial potential of the initiative

Market Attractiveness
Structure and future potential of the market

Product / Service Attractiveness
Value perception of the product or service in relation to target customers

Management Strength
Knowledge and experience of the management team

Exit Opportunities
Opportunity to gain from the future value of the initiative
TARS investment and portfolio performance management processes are operated according to a five-stage framework

Ideas and initiatives in the fields of agriculture, food, and technology undergo screening, and opportunities associated with significant potential are taken to the next level.

Outstanding investment opportunities are reviewed in detail, after which investment decisions are made by the Fund Management Team.

Commercial negotiations and contracting processes between the parties are conducted to establish the foundation for a successful future together.

Managerial support is provided by transferring the knowledge and experience from TARS to the investment, thereby facilitating the achievement of the targets in line with the agreed business plan.

Investments that have reached their commercial targets and reached a satisfactory value in the market are transferred to new investors, thereby paving the way for new investments in future business opportunities.

Companies seeking investment apply by sharing their basic information on the TARS website.

With the help of ecosystem business partners, proactive research is carried out on companies applying to TARS and other potential opportunities in the market.

TARS analysis teams pre-evaluate potential investment opportunities in line with investment criteria.

Business relationships are initiated with the candidates who are believed to have investment potential. To assess the candidate’s management team and working environment in a systematic way, a half-day meeting is held following the mutual signing of the confidentiality agreement.

To establish a basis for negotiations with clients that are believed to overlap with the TARS resource allocation strategy, a Letter of Understanding is prepared with the Parties in line with the Management Progress Decision.

A Due Diligence Team is established to carry out the evaluation process for the Entrepreneur Candidate that the TARS Investment Committee plans to invest in.

A due diligence document containing commercial, legal, and operational information about the candidate is prepared by TARS. Field visits and interviews to the investor presentation are undertaken.

The analyses and interviews completed by the Due Diligence Team are prepared in the form of an Investor Presentation Document, and the investment decision of the TARS Investment Committee is made.

The Investment Proposal is presented to the Executive Committee and the Management Team. After taking the evaluation criteria into consideration, the Investment Committee decides whether or not to invest in the candidate. A detailed Draft Protocol, including commercial terms and management issues, is prepared, and the commercial transaction process is initiated.

STEP 10:
Draft Protocol, including commercial terms and management issues, is shared to start the negotiations.

STEP 11:
The agreed draft protocol is further detailed and commercial negotiations are initiated. The aim of the commercial negotiations is to define how to create and share the value in written.

STEP 12:
The Investment Agreement is signed between TARS and Investee

STEP 13:
Actions defined on the Investment Protocol are executed and Investee Board Members (and other management team members if agreed) assigned.

STEP 14:
A joint Business Plan and Goals are prepared in order to guide the Investee.

STEP 15:
Key Performance Indicators are defined to achieve the corporate goals and periodically reviewed with the management team. Management decisions are made in line with the strategies.

STEP 16:
Potential offers are evaluated to execute the Exit plan which was formerly prepared during investment phase.

STEP 17:
The proposals are assessed in line with TARS strategies.

STEP 18:
Commercial negotiations are carried out by the Executive Committee and if the offers is also accepted by the Investment Committee the Exit phase is completed following an exit agreement.

TARS Fonu Fiyat Değişimleri

Date the Fund Price was Announced Fund Unit Share Value

Other Venture Capital
Investment Funds